ABR126 | DAR!L – Cryptic (16.02.2024)

Soundcloud: @rivotril

He´s no longer a stranger and attentive observers of the label group will certainly recognize the name. This is his 6th release on one of the Amber labels and we´re proud to be able to present him also in 2024.

His track „Cryptic“ is a prime example of the fact that once you’ve found your sound, you shouldn’t change it. He has definitely done that and you can hear his signature in every production.

Definitely an enrichment, both artistically and musically, and therefore a great new Amber Blue release that certainly reflects the diversity of Amber Blue Recordings and, of course, of the artist. Furthermore, there will certainly be one or two remixes later in the year, so we can look forward to good stuff from Dar!l in 2024 too.

So in this case, of course, it’s also: Welcome back, Dar!l