Facebook: www.facebook.com/gabi-urzay
Soundcloud: @gabii-urzay
Instagram: www.instagram.com/gabiurzay
The meanwhile big Amber family is growing steadily and it is always exciting to present new and fresh faces. So also in this case of Gabi Urzay. Not only does he make his debut on Amber Recordings, but he is also getting excited about the release which will follow on Amber Blue later, where it will be a bit quieter than here with catalog number AR064.
With „Dark Strom“ and „Neith“ the sympathetic newcomer delivers two absolute techno peaktime hits and shows that he knows how to harmonize melody and pure power and how to pack it into absolutely contemporary techno clothes.
Exciting, danceable and absolutely on the pulse of time, Gaby celebrates his impressive debut and makes you want more. A warm welcome: Gabi Urzay.